Artis (April 2002)

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Last updated 05 April, 2002.
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These Herons are all over Amsterdam, but you seldom see more than one or two. At the Artis, there were dozens.

"It's a boy!" (This one's for you, Maria)

There were two female and one mail lion in this outdoor area. They're beautiful animals but it was kind of sad -- the male was huddled in the back, banging on the door. The two females were pacing furiously

Eventually the male calmed down and one of the females stopped for a drink.

This guy was sacked out in a cage of his own.

This one just sat, staring intently out of his cage with the tip of his tail twitching menacingly. He'd move around to glare at whoever was closest.

Thijs didn't actually spend a lot of time looking at the animals, but the Elephants were pretty interesting. Look at his hair -- just like the Cormorant!

We bumped into Wendy and Jackson who had decided to go to the zoo with Margaret and Mira.

The Artis has ads all over town announcing the birth of a baby giraffe. Here it is...


Dad kept leaning over the fence and harassing the ostriches.

Even a baby elephant is pretty tall.

This guy was sunning himself outside the cafeteria.

Check out the 'do on this Cormorant!

We hit the sea lions right at feeding time. This guy clearly enjoys his job.

And the sea lions have a blast, too. The fish that's disappearing into his mouth was tossed.

Why do you think they call them sloths?

Meredith and Nick check out the Gorilla.

This ungainly critter is called a Mara. It's kind of like a cross between a rat and a rabbit.

It was sharing an area with these Macuņa.

The penguins were cute. Every now and then something would get them all riled up, and they'd waddle off to look at something together.

In addition to the animals, the Artis has lots of nice quiet areas and interesting statues.

Nick took every opportunity to drive his toy cars around. Unfortunately, one of his favorites fell into the pool around one of the Monkey cages, never to be seen again.

Awaaay in a manger....

Once we stood looking for a while, this handsome fella came running out to make sure we weren't a danger.

"I'm not talking to you."

This guy was swinging and climbing all over the place. Dad was lucky to get this shot.

Thijs enjoyed his day at the zoo, especially once he was wearing a cookie.

"See food. Get it?!"




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