Ohio (August 2002)

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Last updated 09 September, 2002.
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Note:  I've resized the images to make them download faster. Even the full-sized images are a lot smaller than they used to be.   They'll look fine on screen and will print okay, but not great. If you want full resolution images for high-quality printing, drop me an email to let me know which pictures you want.

My First Visit To Ohio

Grandma, Mom and I drove (10 hours) to Ohio. Luckily we stopped in West Virginia for a walk and diaper change.

Here I am in Great Grandma's kitchen with my Great Aunts', Joyce and Jill.

Here we are with Great Great Uncle Tony!

Four generations! Great Grandma Evie, Grandma, Thijs and Mom.

Here's Mom with Great Uncle Johnny.

Great Aunt Joyce sang the bubble song to me: "I'm riding on a bubble, a big soap bubble, a big soap bubble I blew. If you take the trouble, to blow a bubble, you can ride on a soap bubble too!"

Great Aunt Jill took me out to see the cars.

We also visited Great Aunt Joan and Uncle Bill, and their dog Shag who likes to kiss babies!

Mom's cousin Sally came with her son Chad.

Sally gives lots of kisses!

Great Grandma Evie thought I was the cutest baby -- she tried to feed me M&M's and Fritos, but Mom kept them for herself.

Great Uncle Tom gave me my very own remote to use while we visited.




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