August 2001

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Last updated 05 September, 2002.
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4 August 2001

Thijs was in a very cute mood the other day, and Erik took lots of pictures. We couldn't decide which of these three was the cutest, so we decided to put them all on the web page.

11 August 2001: The Winnie-the-Pooh baby gym is a big hit! Here, Thijs enjoys a laugh with the baby in the mirror.

He likes his little Moses basket, too.

His grandmother made these flannel sheets for the Kressbach family cradle, but Thijs couldn't wait for his first trip to the states.

The outfit is a gift from Ali, who bought them at "The Mall" in Oberhausen.

Night time diaper changes aren't such a big hit, though, even with Raggedy Andy to keep him company.

18 August 2001: We've been having uncharacteristically warm weather -- Thea loves it. Thijs obviously inherited his temperature sense from his dad because he gets grumpy when it's hot.

We decided to go out for a walk because it was such a beautiful day. We've started using the Baby Björn baby carrier, which makes it much easier to navigate all of those narrow doors and walkways in Amsterdam.

Once we get outside, Thijs likes the carrier and is comfortable enough to fall deeply asleep. This picture is on the "Magere Brug" about 100 yards (meters) from our apartment, and he's already sacked out.

He slept almost the entire time so we decided to get dinner at Margarita's, a Caribbean restaurant not far from home. Thijs slept right up until the food arrived.

Notice he's wearing his very cute Dragonfly overalls. They were a gift from Nicole and John.

22 August 2001

No pictures, but Thijs went to the Consultatie Bureau today for a weighing and for his first vaccinations (ouch!).   His current vital statistics are:

Weight: 5250g (11lbs 8oz)
Length: 57cm 22-1/2"
Head Circumference: 39cm 15-3/8"

He didn't enjoy the vaccinations, but he did very well -- by the time we got back to the changing/waiting room, he was sniffling rather than screaming (unlike the three babies ahead of us).

25 August 2001: The warm weather has continued -- today was too hot (90 and muggy), in fact. By evening it had mellowed a bit so it was just great. We went for dinner with Thea's friend Pat and Pat's husband Dave.

We sat outside at the Hard Rock, which Thijs seems to like.

All of the stuff in the background is due to the "Uitmarkt" -- an annual outdoor art and music festival. During dinner we were serenaded by two bands; one was really good, the other was... um... interesting, I guess.

Thijs had a little snack while we waited for the rest of the food. After that, he went to sleep for a couple of hours (which is good, because the kitchen at the Hard Rock was overwhelmed).

You get both pictures of our little angel sleeping because we couldn't decide which one we liked better.

31 August 2001: Grandma wanted a full-face picture of Thijs, so we took one while he was playing on the couch.

Went for a walk today. We've been using the baby carrier a lot more these days.

As usual, Thijs fell asleep in his Baby Björn by the time we hit the bridge.

"Stop taking pictures of me! I'm trying to sleep!"



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