June 2002

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Last updated 07 July, 2002.
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Note:  I've resized the images to make them download faster. Even the full-sized images are a lot smaller than they used to be.   They'll look fine on screen and will print okay, but not great. If you want full resolution images for high-quality printing, drop me an email to let me know which pictures you want.

June 2002

Boating With Pat and Dave

We went boating again, this time with Pat and Dave. They got a really cool boat -- I could even walk around in it!!  Click on the picture below to see a gallery with more pictures from our canal cruise.

Amstel Park

"Poffertjes! Yum!"

"You really should try these!"

It's so fun to walk on grass.

Mommy showed me how to smell flowers.

The brown sheep was so fuzzy, Thijs tried to touch him, but wouldn't get close enough.

The white sheep realy wanted rub his head against Thijs, but Thijs was not thrilled.

We chased down the brown sheep again, but Thijs was so excited to touch him he ran off in circles!

"I'm really tired after a long day at the park."

Happy Birthday!!! Thijs Turns One

Click on the birthday cake below to see pictures from Thijs' first birthday party.

Amsterdam in June

Walking with Constanze in my Wagamama shirt

I'm even starting to like Banana's

Kasper came over to visit one day. We had lots of fun!

We even got some nice weather so I got to go out for lots of walks.

Let's go!

I went to visit Giulia one night. She showed me her Strawberry plants!


Storytime at the Library

Mom and I went to Storytime at the Library in June.   It was the last one before summer and the last time I'll get to go.

"Row, Row, Row Your Boat..."

Nyah was having lots of fun practicing walking and climbing.

Hmmm. I'm not sure what she was eating, but it sure looked good!

Watching EuroVision at Ali's House

Dad was out of town during the EuroVision song contest, so Ali taped it for him.   When Dad got back, we all went over to Ali's house for a EuroVision party.

Ali and I read books and magazines together all the time!

And when that got boring, we played "Hide and Seek"

"Here I Am!"

Photo Session

Mom and Dad hired a professional photographer, Rachell, to take some pictures of me.   I had lots of fun playing in her Garden!

The pictures aren't on the web (yet), but they turned out great!


Dad and I went to meet Mom after church, but the service ran long so we just explored the Begijnhof.   The flowers were all blooming and it was very pretty.




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